Monday, August 3, 2009

the universe is very intelligent

I woke up this morning early enough to see the sunrise. I laced up my tennis shoes and went on a run - making myself aware of the initial darkness that had slowly turned into light by the time I was done. I loved the backwards feeling I got when the streetlights were on when I headed out the door, and then dimmed to zero percent on my way back. Watching the sunrise has been something I've been meaning to do for a while now, and why not choose today to actually do it?

I even had time to do the five tibetan rites when I was done. I have been making an attempt to practice yoga at least once daily. These poses that I have been doing in the morning help wake up my body, especially when I'm not energetic enough at 6 a.m. to venture outside to run. Sometimes I only do the five, but sometimes they turn into a more lengthy sun salutation series...depending on how much time I have.

I finished "A New Earth" last night, and have already started on my next book - "What Should I do with My Life?" by Po Bronson. It's about people who have asked that exact question, and had the courage to direct their lives' courses into what they wanted - they realized they had the power to steer! In the introduction, however, he prefaces that not all of the stories have happy endings. So, although I expect this book to be motivational to help myself find the answer to this seemingly obvious question, I realize that it doesn't always work out.

Also, today is the start of our Photo Project 2009. The first word is "up." This morning, I logged onto my computer and performed my morning ritual of reading my email, checking the weather, and searching facebook. I looked at blogspot, and noticed that my favorite artist had a new blog entitled "looking up." I'm not sure if I believe in coincidences anymore. I've started to think that there is a universal intelligence that can explain everything, but the human mind's intelligence is not capable of comprehending. I have started to notice these so-called coincidences more frequently, which is probably because I've come to just accept them; no questions asked. When I noticed the title of the blog today, I just sat and smiled - thanking the universe for thinking of me today.

On a semi-side note, I think everyone should sign up for the universe's daily notes. Today's Totally Unique Thought from the Universe to Crystal Martin is this:

It's truly a sight to see, Crystal, when the inhabitants of any planetarycivilization cross the tipping point and begin to individually accept completeand eternal responsibility for their own happiness.
Yet, this hardly compares to the mountain quaking, body shaking, polarity-flipping,hero-making occurrences that transpire when such inhabitants graduate to accepting complete and eternal responsibility for their every twinge of unhappiness.

Brings tears to my eyes,
The Universe

Yeah, the second one is a lot trickier, Crystal. Double, gigantic.

So today, I am responsible for how happy or unhappy I will be. I choose to be happy.



  1. i am impressed... and inspired! you seem like you are in a really good place.. open and strong and actively working to become a better (and happier) person. hell yeah! =)

  2. this is my favorite post so far! you've made me want to get up earlier on a regular basis. also, i LOVE the "coincidence." how perfect.

    thinking of you! have fun with picture-taking...

  3. you seize to amaze me! I am happy that you are making healthy choices in your life!

    I learned what the Tibetan rites were, thank you!

    I can't wait to see you soon my dear.

    Have a great night!
