I went and saw the movie Valentine's Day. I loved it. It was the typical romantic comedy-everyone ends up happy-kind of story, but that's exactly what I wanted to happen. It's not as romantic or comedic when the characters end up miserable at the end.
All endings are happy endings.
If you even believe in endings.
It's just a matter of staying with the story long enough.
I love a lot of things...and people. I tell my friends and family I love them. I even tell my car I love it. Recently, we got a plant that I have named Rufus. I love that plant too. I've even gotten back into loving running, and the way it makes me feel. I'm now comfortable when I'm running, rather than huffing and puffing every forced step of the way. Now, although the longer take up a few hours of my day, I know that I will be able to do it I LOVE that feeling!!!
i love you soulmate! thank you for being you!