Sunday, November 8, 2009

little victories

  • Using my spanish speaking ability to help the hispanic woman at the grocery store learn that honey roasted peanuts were dulce
  • Going for a run, and actually feeling good, rather than hating every step I take
  • Realizing that I haven't drank out of a disposable plastic water bottle for months
  • Feeling comfortable enough with myself/the other person to not hold back during your dance party in the living room
  • Getting excited at work the day of our weekly "make a new dinner recipe night"
  • Not feeling guilty about going to a movie by myself, and ordering popcorn, pop, AND chocolate candy
  • Coming to terms with the fact that I probably like the idea of dating the guy more so than the actual guy
  • Spending a Saturday night in bed, and being perfectly content with my decision to do so
  • Enjoying the long drive - even when I'm stuck in traffic for over an hour, because it's a clear night and I can roll back the sunroof and look up at the stars
  • Attending the aerobics class at the gym, where every other woman who is at least twice my age is very supportive and encouraging
Nothing extraordinary has happened in the last week. But these are the little instances where I have noticed that I'm unintentionally smiling to myself, and sometimes at other people. An "It's the simple things in life" type of approach.

1 comment:

  1. i appreciate your little victories! keep writing those... and i feel comfortable with myself/the other person to dance my heart out in the living room as well.

    Awesome pic btw of the Capitol!

